World PREMIERE is nearly here!


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On Wednesday 16th of November we’ll be showing the rare collection of Tregaron Pony Trekking slides.

These were originally shown in the 1960s and 1970s on a Saturday night

to the pony trekkers that came to Tregaron.

Also we’ll be broadcasting the voice of the former secretary of the Tregaron Pony Trekking Association, a voice that hasn’t been heard since her death in 1990.

Mrs Dai, as she was affectionately called, was the voice and the face of the pony trekking movement in Tregaron, Ceredigion and possibly Wales.

Please join us on 16th of November.

2pm – 8pm at the Tregaron Heritage Centre

Part of the TWRIO event organised by CUPHAT

See previous blog for details.