Cambrian Mountains trails celebrated in “Llwybrau : Wales, by Trails” videos

We’re well into 2023 now and so many local communities are planning to get out and discover trails of all kinds. It’s possible that there’ll be a short and interesting trail in your community. Maybe a full day of trailblazing is possible, finishing in a cafĂ©, restaurant or pub.

Whichever it is, we hope you can use the links(see below) for these short videos to encourage and inspire friends, family and guests to discover the astounding landscape of the Cambrian Mountains.

Please support the “Llwybrau : Wales, by Trails” campaign coordinated by Visit Wales.

Just “Copy link” and drop the video into your Facebook feed. Please tag Cambrian Mountains too!

The North version includes mountain bikers in the Bwlch Nant Yr Arian mountain biking centre area.

The South version includes mountain bikers in the Brechfa Forest mountain biking centre area.

If you need squares for Instagram or Twitter, we can send you copies of those too.

Email for more information.