WANTED – 52 Astounding Facts about the Cambrian Mountains!

We'd really like your help in creating a list of 52 astounding facts about the Cambrian Mountains.

Something interesting, inspiring or even quirky?

It could be a little known fact or a classic one. Surprise us!

We're looking for 52 interesting facts about the Cambrian Mountains Area of Astounding Beauty to include in a forthcoming publication that could help local communities and businesses understand and discover more about this astounding part of Wales.

Whether its a fact about the landscape, the communities, the people or natural world send through your fact today.

With your support we can create a list of 52 facts, one for each week of the year.

If you do have an interesting fact, send it to us by completing this form:


Once we have 52 or so we'll put them all in a 'hat' and draw one out.

If it's yours we draw out, we'll send you a Cambrian Mountains water bottle.
